Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.
Proverbs 16:3
This has been a very busy year! We have been blessed beyond measure. It has been great to visit
old friends and to make new ones. Were excited in what the lord is doing in us. When I think of all the Lord has brought
us through and the places we have been makes what we do that much more rewarding. To see people rejoice in the Lord and lift
their hands in praise keeps reminding me what a mighty GOD we serve.
As we begin another new year we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers. The love and
support from all of you is wonderful, we want to THANK YOU! Without your prayers the road set before us would be much harder
and we can never say thanks enough!
With the Lords Help we will be recording again in November. Please keep us in your prayers . We want this
recording to touch lives and change hearts.
THANKS AGAIN for making this last year possible.
Our new CD is now available. To get your copy go to the Guest Book page and send me a email. May God Richly

Continue to keep us in your prayers, we will be praying for you! Looking forward to seeing you soon!!!